The Belt and Road Initiative

3 min readApr 23, 2019

(Whilst writing for a small automotive website, I wrote them this. They rejected it because they felt it was too Anti-China.. And idrgaf)

In 2010 after taking a loan from China to make a port that India had already denied to fund because of its pointlessness(1), Sri Lanka promised that it would return the borrowed amount of 1.5 billion USD.

And after over five years of failing to make payments due to the port being unable to attract economic activity, the Sri Lankan government was forced to lease the port and the land surrounding it (15,000 acres) to a Chinese state-owned company for 99 years.

For seven days, instead of the local lion flag, a Chinese flag flapped over the port, marking the coming of a new power.

Here’s the story — the more interesting way of seeing it ->

The tale of the Gold Lion and the Chinese dragon

A few months earlier…

“I want that gold chain!’ the lion said.

“Having that chain won’t make you look cooler, neither will it make people want to pet you.” said the beast of saffron, white and green.

“Give it to me! I’ll pay you back — I swear” begged the lion.

“You won’t be able to, it’s just too expensive and it’s not like you’ll be making money off of it” replied the beast of saffron, white and green.

“B-b-but” pleaded the lion.

“That’s enough, we shall not discuss this further.” And the beast of saffron, white and green ended the plea where it stood.

A few months later…

“I want that gold chain!’ the lion said.

“Well..” the dragon smiled saying, “Sure you can have it — but on one condition.”

“And what is that?”

“That you pay me back for it,” said the dragon casually.

“Well of course! When I have that chain, everyone will want to pet me and all the zookeepers will be showering me with cash — paying you back won’t be a problem then.” said the lion, eager to get his paws on a new chain.

“Here you go, it is yours,” said the dragon handing the lion a new glimmering chain.

A few months after that…

“Have the zookeepers showered you with cash yet?” inquired the dragon.

“Not yet! But they will, I know it in my heart” said the lion.

A few months after that…

“Hey dragon, it seems like my plan was wrong… How about you take this chain back… I don’t think I will be able to return your money to you.”

“That is not how it works”

“Well — you see Mr.Dragon, there is nothing that I can do.”

“I want your mane.”

“You cannot have my mane, that’s part of me,” said the lion, shocked at what the dragon was saying.

“No it isn’t — not anymore.” said the dragon as he stretched his claws towards the lion’s soft mane and began to jerk it out hair by hair.

1- There already was a port nearby at Colombo. And a great deal of ships — almost 4000 stopped at Colombo’s port. With Sri Lanka’s population just slightly above 21 million, the addition of a huge port seemed like an additional cost with no apparent benefit.

